neuchatel ville du gout

  • Come and see us at the "Marché du terroir" on September 9th in Neuchâtel

    If you are passing through the city of Neuchâtel on September 9th, there will be a market of local products (Marché du terrior) in the framework of festivities of Neuchâtel The City of Taste 2017. We will be installed in a small chalet filled with some products that we will have made by then. There will be products that were presented at the Les Gloutons du lac (gomasio, preserved lemons and chili olive oil), but also new products and some products from our partners.

    Is it also an opportunity for you to fill up on granola. We are delighted to see you there!

  • Cooking by the lake is really great

    Les Gloutons du lac are over. The event went by very quickly, it was very intense but also amazing. 130 participants took part in our pop-up kitchen over 3 days. We saw marinades, borage, geranium, pineapple sage, basella, strawberry spinach ... only the Ndolé was missing.

    We got to know a lot of cooking enthusiasts and could share our passion throughout this wonderful weekend. Thank you to all our visitors and all the participants for all these great moments. We were truly spoiled.

    An immense THANK YOU also to Lena Brina, the wonderful tourist delegate of our city and to Eva Volery, without whom this entire event could never have seen the light of day. Thanks also to GastroNeuchâtel and Karen Allemann for their support and encouragement. Thank you to Monsieur Vincent for all his explanations and for these great moments gathering the plants in your company.

    Not to forget the whole team of Viteos, the Parks and Promenades Service, Cuisinox, Nuits de Folie, Baumann SA, Mr. Schiffelle (for his patience), the Urban Safety Department, the Infrastructure Department, MD -Security and Soundpatch.

    A big thanks also to our favorite partners: the Grillette for their wines, ChicKids for the gifts that have delighted the children, HappyMeat and the fisherman from Hauterive, M. Magnen.

    The last word goes to our great team: without you friends, nothing would be possible. You are incredible and we have no words. Thank you Christian, thank you Florence, we are so lucky to have you at our side. Thanks to Géraldine, Daniela, Zéline, Gabi, Delphine, Annja, Laure, Juliette, Christelle, Janina, RoseMa and Daniel. We love you!

  • A pop-up kitchen in an urban vegetable garden from August 25th till the 27th

    We can no longer keep our mouths shut. It is confirmed: we will install a pop-up kitchen on the Quai Osterwald , right in the middle of the edible plant and aromatic herb masses installed by the Department of Parks and Walkways of the City of Neuchâtel.

    The Neuchâtel Association of Taste to joins us to offer you 8 cooking classes of one hour spread over 3 days, from Friday August 25th from 6pm till Sunday August 27th at 3pm. During these extraordinary culinary sessions, we will travel to the country of the  world of scents and we will learn to cook flowers or vegetables that are hard to pronounce or sound funny. A magnificent way of learning by having fun, with your feet almost in the water.

    Cooking is a passion that is passed down from generation to generation. We know something! This is why we will welcome children, from 8 years old, on Saturday afternoon to create a dessert with the tagetes flowers. Their efforts will be doubly rewarded since they will have the chance to taste their preparation and will also receive a gift box from Chic Kids, the gastronomic label for families.

    In short, the last weekend of August looks gourmand, crunchy and hopefully sunny. We are already looking forward to welcoming you throughout this festive weekend around gastronomy, whether it is during a cooking class or simply because you are passing on the Quai Osterwald .The complete course program is available here.

    Do not delay to register, because the places with such a sweet price are limited (only 20 places per class). And for those who will not have the chance to put on our aprons on this occasion, it will also be possible to follow at a distance the explanations of our chefs and to taste the wonderful preparations made on this occasion.